Monday, February 26, 2007

Mellow Yellow on Manic Monday #4

Yellow is the color of the Sun. It represents warmth, stability, fame, long lasting love, health, and happiness. Yellow can also be used in visualization to energize and calm fears. Like the Sun, it burns away the 'greyness' of the day. Yellow is also a fun color and sacred to Bast the Egyptian cat goddess. Yellow is the color of intellect and can help improve your memory. A yellow candle can be burned with prayers (or magic seals) to bring forth any of the above mentioned qualities. Best day to burn yellow candles is on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Incase you don't know about this, Mo of It's a Blog Eat Blog World is running this meme. Check out his site on Sunday nights to see the word of the week for Manic Monday. It's a great way to connect with other bloggers as well as a creative incentive to write. (Yellow is also the color of inspiration!)


Unknown said...

Great post as usual. I guess I´m going to burn a yellow candle on Wednesday =)

While painting I like yellow and for decorating bright room effects, too. But I can´t stand yellow apparel.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

egyptian cat goddess? now that sounds nice....

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

I have sick friend and I am going to burn some yellow candles for her. Thanks for the great post!

Mo and The Purries said...

I always learn wonderful things from your posts.
Thanks for your support of
Manic Monday
and for your great posts!
Manic Mo

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

I need to see more of that big yellow ball in the sky. The overall color in my world is gray. Gray skies make the whole world seem gray after awhile.

Have a wonderful yellow day!