Now go out and look at the glorious light of the Blue Moon!
Blessed Be!
Darksome night and shining moon,
East, then South, then West, then North;
Hearken to the Witches' Rune-
Here we come to call ye forth!
Earth and water, air and fire,
Wand and pentacle and sword,
Work ye unto our desire,
Hearken ye unto our work!
Cords and censer, scourge and knife,
Powers of the Witch's blade-
Waken all ye into life,
Come ye as the charm is made!
Queen of heaven, queen of hell,
O Great and Horned hunter of the nights,
Join us as we work this spell:
All acts of love and pleasure are Her rites.
White for birth, and red for life.
And black for all the worlds between,
Cauldron, censor, scourge and knife
All celebrate the triple queen.
By power of the land and sea,
By light and might of this blue moon,
As I do will, so mote it be,
Goddess grant my miracle soon.
Eko Eko Azarak
Eko Eko Zomelak
Eko Eko Cernunnos
Eko Eko Aradia
*For those new to the blog*
You've heard the expression: "Once in a Blue Moon". The Blue Moon is rare and occurs every 2 to 4 years. It is the second full moon of the month. This year we had a full moon in Scorpio on May 2nd. The Blue Moon is tonight (May 31) in Sagittarius. The Blue Moon is a time for miracles. If you need one in any area of your life, now is the time to ask for it. Sagittarius moon is also a time for optimism, hope, progression, adventure, building, change, miracles, travel, truth, good fortune, publishing, spirituality, and education. When the moon is in Sag, we should aim high and and trust that we will hit our target or mark. Please leave your wish in the comments section and then read the chant. Follow up by going out to gaze at the Blue Moon and reaffirm your wish. This circle will be open for wishes until June 2 2007. Blessed be and May your wishes for miracles come true. So Mote it Be!
I need a miracle! I need to overcome my writer's block and complete my novel "Spinoza's Daughter" and publish it successfully. Thank you goddess and muse. So mote it be.
I need to meet my soul mate.
I need to have harmony at work. Thank you Goddess. So mote it be.
I wish my lover contacts returns to profess his devotion to me and I in turn reciprocate so we may begin again.
I wish for a family, healthy, happy, and joyous. I wish for financial security and creative fulfullment. I wish for peace and joy and love.
I wish for a beautiful future for myself, my friends and my loved ones!
I wish for my secret project to be completed within 12 moons!
I wish for a wonderful honeymoon!
In the name of Hecate and the power of 3, So Mote It Be!
Blessed Be.
dear goddess please let there be a miracle of communication between my beloved and me. let there be a miracle of reconnection for us. let the breath of life and love renew this connection by your miracle.
let there be a miracle of healing for my skin which has a rash.
thank you goddess
so mote it be.
May the light open me to the information needed for my diss and it lead me towards a life full of happiness, laughter, love, success and completness with those that I love and those that love me.
I wish that I will get the kind of job I am looking for. May the doors of opportunity open wide for myself and my loved ones and health, prosperity and joy inundate our lives.
May the one casting this circle be showered with blessings.
Anonymous said . . .
I wish for my new business venture to be a success. I wish for a sense of community and the ability to make a difference. I wish for success and happiness for my incredible talented and patient husband - he deserves it.
I need help finishing the book I am working on..blessings
May the moon bring words to flow over my tongue to persuade those listening to buy.
May Peter answer the phone and actually listen to me, and be happy.
I wish to have success in astral travel and lucid dreaming.
I also wish my friend Andy to get lots of clients who buy a lot of product from him.
I wish for my former love to make contact with me and for us to heal the hurts of our past so I can finally let this go and open my heart for a new love. I wish for protection for myself and my family and I wish for an old friend and I to heal our hurts and to rekindle our estranged friendship. I also wish for continued successs in my musical and spiritual pursuits.
I wish my friend Sal to be cured of cancer.For Peter to be out of Debt.and for myself love and health and joy.Thank you Goddess
I wish for a reunion and more communication between me and my ex who was wrongfully taken from me. I wish that we can rekindle our love and be together forever. Blessings.
"...Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper, "Please adore me"
And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold..."
Thank you Goddess! So mote it be!
I wish for me to win a large amount of money playing the nclottery.I wish to graduate college in the license pratical nursing program in July 2008. I wish to publish my screenplay/book for alot of money in August 2007. I wish for my sister Carol to get married to a caring and loving man. I wish for my brother and his wife to have a healthy and happy baby. I wish for my twin brother to open up his own business. I wish to buy a black mustang. I wish for my dad to buy a pick up truck. I wish for my mother to win big in the nclottery. I wish for my daughter to love to go to school. I wish for my husband to graduate from college in May 2008. I wish to travel to Italy, Ireland, St. Croix, Puerto Rico, Gremany, France, Bahamas in 2008.I wish for everybody's wishes to come true.
I wish for my family and loved ones to be happy and healthy, my business to grow and and shine. I wish for a house which me, my loved one and our boy cat Pasha dream about with a garden and a big tree. I wish for world's piece.
I wish for the miraculous power to believe and trust in myself and to experience my deepest feelings and fulfill my deepest desires. I wish for success, fulfillment, happiness, and the best of health. I wish for the magick of connection with others on the deepest of levels. I wish to share my life and my love and my creativity with the world and contribute to its healing. I wish to be able to lead the way and set an example for others by discovering, achieving, and living my heart's desire to the fullest. May the power of the blue moon shed its light and help me to reveal my own. so mote it be.
I wish for my unemployment checks to start coming in the mail on June 6, 2007.
I wish for joy and free time and fresh air, and right spirit. May I have the luck to watch clouds go by. Many a blue moon...
I wish for a big house too with a grand marble fire place to curl up in front of and a beautiful garden with a tree and lots of beautiful fragrant flowers. I wish for Zeo and Tiger and I to live there in happiness, playfulness, and health. I also wish for all the animals to be protected.
So MEOW it be!
I wish and declare health for my family and for myself, I wish peace and a life free from anxiety. I wish financial security by having between 30 and 40 appointments a week and constant work. I wish abundance for me and my loved ones. I wish Alejandro to keep her Angel and for Alejandro to give her Angel financial security by getting rid of all his debts and problems with the IRS and have plenty of well paid work without any excess. I wish Alejandro can keep me happy for the rest of our lives!!! I declare abundance, wealth, health and happiness!!! and a life filled with blessings!!
Dear Goddess
Please bestow prosperity upon me that I may pursue my creative efforts with peace of mind.
Dear Goddess,
Thank you for bringing me closer to my lover and I wish he would acknowledge his love to me and for me.... and as I wish so mote it be!
Dearest Goddess,
Please let my lover prosper and return that which I lent him one year ago in full and as promised....
As my wish so mote it be....
Dear Goddess,
I wish to manifest my true nature in good health and in so doing attract true love into my life, from the one with whom I share my deepest connection, to all those friends who share places in my heart.
Wishing health and blessings on all of my friends and family.
My wish for and declaration is for a 6 bedroom house so that I can move my dad and step daughters in. I will manifest a successful ghost walking business and that I will be able to continue helping my clients and they will then threefold in amount. So mote it be.
Love and Light,
Kristy Robinett
Yikes!! I was busy with my daughter yesterday and did not get to make wishes but if I can make wishes I wish good things for Lexa in her work with us, I want wonderful things for my daughter, my family and friends and I wish that the one I love goes back to rehab for his addiction and comes back to me clean and healthy and asks me to marry him in the city that I love-- My San Francisco!
I wish for finacial security and health for myself and those who are dear to me.
I wish for my niece Alexandria to pass all of her exams. I wish for a beautiful 4-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom, with a spacious kitchen, den, living-room, and a big back yard with a inground pool. I wish for all of the troops to come home by December 2007. I wish for my sister to get a $5 dollar raise.
I want to meet the man I'm going to marry. Be it the man I am currently interested in or someone better. I also ask for financial abundance for my family. Thank you so much and blessed be!
I wish good health for all of my family from the youngest to the oldest, I wish my son and his wife to come home saftly,and that both of my daughter get their own homes,and i wish that my husbond get a new truck,i wish my nephew Derrick come from perison,I wish all my neighbor good health,and i wish good health for myself and i wish that my house be paid off this year and i wish for a new car for myself,and i wish the world was a better place for all people not just some.
I wish my daughter Carol find the man of her dream that is able to take care of her and her dauchter Alex,and that she only work if she want too. I wish for a new car for myself,and i wish my son Kelvin will find what ever it is he is looking for in life a new and better paiding job,a wife and a house i wish my daughter Angela and her family a new home,car,and for both of them to finish college.
I wish i had $100,000 to pay off all of my bills,and that my husbond can retire from work.
I wish that my sister get her house and that my niece will take her name off of the property.
i wish all my family can get along and not be jealous of each other.
I wish i could win the NC lottery Jackpot.
Bless my children with peace, happiness and financial security. Goddess, fill their lives with love and freedom from worry.
I want to thank the God/Goddess for all of the times that I have been heard and been helped. I ask to please be the winner of a Florida Lottery Jackpot very soon. It will be my joy to give half of all those profits to animal charities. Please, let me win. Many, many thanks always.
I have had the flu for two weeks, I am ready to be restored to good health.
An tiny sick orphaned kitten was brought into the shelter last night. Bless him and aid him to grow into a big healthy cat with a forever loving home. Bless the man who rescued him and the vet who is working on him today.
May my trip to Africa be inspiring and stress free.
So mote it be.
Hola La Rocca
I'm glad to hear you are well and back on your feet. I add an extra oomph to all your wishes!
blessed be
Thank you Lexa for being so kind and generous once again and being considerate of everyone to help their wishes come true. I wish for clarification in my love life- if it is the person I am currently "hanging out" with (G.C.) please make it so. If not then I wish to meet Tony Stewart, racecar driver and hook up with him. Now that would truly take a miracle! I know that you are not supposed to have someone specific in mind ( ie free will and not exerting your will over someone else)it wouldn't be meant like that. I know it sounds facetious, in other circles cast I have wished wellness for others, this time I am focusing on me. Thanks again Lexa!!!
Glorious and generous Goddess of the Moon, I ask that you keep and protect my beloved friend, T.H., born on June 6 under the sign of Gemini. May he never harm himself or anyone else every again.
Blessings on my new life.
I wish for world peace...
I wish for my sons' penis to grow to a reasonable proportion. So mote it be.
A woman came to see me and after laying on my couch, she said: "Dr Freud, I am afraid my son's penis is too small"
"Too small for Whom?" I asked...
O great and mighty Mother Moon, bring me this boon - I wish for the CHICAGO CUBS to WIN THE WORLD SERIES IN 2007! So mote it be!!!
June 02, 2007
I wish for my blog readership to expand so that it may amuse many people and bring a smile to those in need of a pleasant distraction.
Bless me with a soulmate.
Bless me with peace, harmony and success at work.
Bless everyone with good health, prosperity and happiness.
Thank you Goddess.
So mote it be.
i wish for a real estate miracle. i want to live in a beautiful home of my own with a big bath tub. soon.
i wish my heart would heal. i wish my situation with my lover would be healed. i wish i would understand
what happened so i could be at peace. i wish i would know that i am treasured by the one i love.
i wish i would receive a happy surprise from m. that would fill me with peace and joy and inspiration and faith.
thank you goddess.
i wish little happy surprises for everyone everyday.
I'm a little late, but the Gods never cover thier ears. I need MONEY! I have got to make some jewelry that sells really well.
By the power invested in me as Priestess and Witch, I now seal this Blue Moon circle of miracles and release the energy up towards the heavens that it may then manifest here on earth! As above, so below.
Hail and farewell all ye mighty ones and thank you for your presence and for guarding and protecting and empowering this blogcircle.
The circle is open but not unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again. Witches All - Our rite having ended, let us give thanks to the Glorious Ones who have graced us with Their Presence. I charge ye ere the cock doth crow, lock away all our mysteries in your hearts and may the Goddess preserve the Craft! Blessed Be. SO MOTE IT BE!
Thank you all for participating in this magick circle and may all your wonderful wishes come true.
love and light
I wish to get pregnant.
I wish that everything will be fine again in my live. So mote it be!
Hi Lexa, today is BlueMoon at Europe. May all our wishes come true,too.
Please Blue Moon assist in Daddo loving and cherishing me for always.
I wish for company to hire my husband. So we can rest.Blessed Be.
i wish for my 15yr old son to heal from a drug addictions or any other addictions and wake up and think about his family and go to college while my husband could win the jackpot and move us in a nice house in a nice area.
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