Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

more wordless wednesday
Technorati tag:


Barb said...

Great picture! Thanks for dropping by!

Linda said...

My daughter would absolutely love this!

Lexa Roséan said...

ah those teens love witches! Thanks for stopping by Linda and I really got a kick out of your WW photo. Reminded me of my sister and I.

Elaine said...

Stunning photo!

Mo and The Purries said...

Wonderful mask!
I love designing masks -- I used to showcase ones I made on my walls. Hmmm, perhaps I'll have to dig some out of storage...

Lexa Roséan said...

Thanks Morgan. I expect to see some pics of you in your masks soon. I got this one while I was in Carnevale di Venezia. It was an amazing experience!