Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wordless Wednesday 3

Wordless Wednesday Participants
1. Skittles
2. tiger
3. Lex
4. Ryan Velting
5. Ryan Velting
6. Linda
7. Chris
8. Shoshana
9. Twyla
10. Rose DesRochers
11. Chloe\'s Caption Contest
12. Brian
13. Claire
14. wow

Check out the new Wordless Wednesday HQ!!

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Barb said...

Beautiful kitty! Thanks for dropping by :)

Lexa Roséan said...

This is Broadway. He was rescued by some NYU students after a couple of wreckless kids threw him from the window of a van onto Broadway near Astor Place. He had a minor concusion but was otherwise fine. Broadway now lives happily in the Bronx...

Anonymous said...

well my comment certainly isn't magical, but I like the photo of your cat!!! :]

Linda said...

My cat does the exact same thing!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, he looks like Nermal, an old cat of mine, sadly long gone.

Broadway looks comfy now!

Girlie said...

Wow, a cat who reads! Very Harry Potterish.

Twyla said...

Omg. That looks EXACTLY like my cat that passed away last year. His name was Kitty. :-) My 2 year old named him. Our new cat does that all the time...he loves to sit on whatever we are trying to read. I think he just loves the attention.

Anonymous said...

A wise cat? Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Nice Kitty. Glad he is so well read.

Claire said...

The cat looks like its absorbing all that magical book info.