Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Magick in Taiwan

塔羅女巫 Lexa Rosean

Lexa Rosean不但是個靈媒,還是個現代女巫,她用占星和塔羅為客人解答疑難雜症。身在猶太家族中的她,15歲時因為身為同性戀而被逐出教會,之後來到紐約並加入Wicca巫術教會,學習塔羅占星、葯草學和巫術,並於Enchantments巫術店工作7年。

用 塔羅和占星術算命後,Lexa Rosean談談做女巫的好處:「發現問題,我還可以教客戶用魔咒來心想事成。」許多人對魔咒質疑,Lexa Rosean表示,魔咒是種祈禱、也能保持能量和磁場:「在魔咒中用最多的是芬香治療,就跟香水廣告一樣,如果我們使用葯草泡魔術浴、或是塗上愛情靈藥, 這會讓我們的靈氣充滿更迷人的氣息,也可以打開我們的潛意識。」


Click here for full story

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Moon Rituals

hello Lexa,
How are you doing? I have a quick question, some of the spells in your book ask that you do it on a new moon. Do I have to do it exactly the time it turns new moon, what is the time frame?
Thank you.

Hi Cat
it is best to wait 12 to 24 hours after the exact time of the new moon or until you see the first sliver of light in the night sky.
blessed be